Meditation Training 2.0: Mindfulness & Working with the 5 Hindrances
7-week series
February 5– March 19, 2025
Seven Wednesdays, 6- 7:30pm PST
For Zen students a weed is a treasure. —Suzuki Roshi
Are you having difficulties in meditation? Obsessing on love or hate? Falling asleep, anxious, restless or agitated more often than calm while meditating? Doubting your practice or wondering whether practicing is "right" for you or not?
The Five Hindrances are typical mind states which can impede development of concentration and mindfulness. In this class, we will explore classic and contemporary teachings on how to become aware of and work with these states, as well as the cultivation of their antidotes.
"2.0" offers an extensive investigation for meditators by incorporating the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Specifically, we will learn how we have been conditioned to perceive and react. With this knowledge, it will be easier to put into practice how to be with and respond to strong emotional and mental states.
As this is a study and practice class, specific texts, as well as meditation instructions, will be presented which can be used to work with the hindrances in between classes.*
Having the skills to be at ease in the midst of the hindrances will enrich your meditation, making it easier to bring the fruits of your practice into everyday life.
While not a prerequisite, Meditation Training (unofficially, “1.0”) is recommended. MT 1.0 will be offered at SFZC on January 8th to January 29th, for 4 Wednesdays.
Meditation Training Practice Day, a silent retreat day, is open to anyone who completes either/both Meditation 1.0 and Meditation 2.0.