
What is a "Practice Discussion?"

A Practice Discussion, or “PD”, is a term used in our lineage for when you want to meet with a Teacher or Practice Leader to talk about your meditation practice, clarify a Dharma teachings, or work with a current life situation within the context of practice.

Exploring how to incorporate a practice framework into everyday life can bring enrichment and settledness.

The Practice Discussions (PD) structure:

  • PDs are focused engagements of 20+ minutes. — Please be on time as Rev will only wait 5 minutes into a PD slot.

  • PD are on Mondays & Wednesdays evenings, Pacfic Time

  • As Rev. Liên is not supported by any institution nor persons, here is a sangha-determined Noble-Giving sliding scale (with income-match guide):

    • Pay-it-Forward: $100 / PD (more than $75K)

    • Standard: $80 / PD (between $50K - $75K)

    • Limited Income: $60 / PD (less than $50K)

  • No one is ever turned away for lack of funds due to economic hardship. Please let Ryūgin know and he’ll bring it to Rev. Liên’s attention

  • Please give BEFORE your PD.

    • PayPal to: SuddenLeap.A2Z@gmail.com

    • Cash or check at time of PD in an envelope if possible, please

  • NOTE: Once you have scheduled a PD, it is your responsibility to keep track of date, time, location, etc. — Ryūgin’s reminder email on Saturdays are just a courtesy.

    • CANCELLATION POLICY: 2-week notice of cancellation to both Ryūgin AND Rev. Liên

    • --- Everyone's time is valuable. Please do not schedule lightly. If you cancel less than 1-week in advance we cannot reschedule your monthly PD slot; nor is giving returned.

    • 1-time try at rescheduling is possible with 1-week or longer notification to Ryūgin (he/him) and Rev. Liên (she/they)

  • For full-time monastics or those living & working fully in a practice community, this will be an Noble-Giving opportunity for Rev. Liên. Please communicate this to Ryūgin when scheduling.

To arrange for a PD with Rev. Liên, please contact Ryūgin at: ryugin@kovalyov.net