What is a "Practice Discussion?"
A Practice Discussion, or “PD”, is a term used in our lineage for when you want to meet with a Teacher or Practice Leader to talk about your meditation practice, clarify a Dharma teachings, or work with a current life situation within the context of practice.
Exploring how to incorporate a practice framework into everyday life can bring enrichment and settledness.
The Practice Discussions (PD) structure:
PDs are focused engagements of 20+ minutes. — Please be on time as Rev will only wait 5 minutes into a PD slot.
PD are on Mondays & Wednesdays evenings, Pacfic Time
As Rev. Liên is not supported by any institution nor persons, here is a sangha-determined Noble-Giving sliding scale (with income-match guide):
Pay-it-Forward: $100 / PD (more than $75K)
Standard: $80 / PD (between $50K - $75K)
Limited Income: $60 / PD (less than $50K)
No one is ever turned away for lack of funds due to economic hardship. Please let Ryūgin know and he’ll bring it to Rev. Liên’s attention
Please give BEFORE your PD.
PayPal to: SuddenLeap.A2Z@gmail.com
Cash or check at time of PD in an envelope if possible, please
NOTE: Once you have scheduled a PD, it is your responsibility to keep track of date, time, location, etc. — Ryūgin’s reminder email on Saturdays are just a courtesy.
CANCELLATION POLICY: 2-week notice of cancellation to both Ryūgin AND Rev. Liên
--- Everyone's time is valuable. Please do not schedule lightly. If you cancel less than 1-week in advance we cannot reschedule your monthly PD slot; nor is giving returned.
1-time try at rescheduling is possible with 1-week or longer notification to Ryūgin (he/him) and Rev. Liên (she/they)
For full-time monastics or those living & working fully in a practice community, this will be an Noble-Giving opportunity for Rev. Liên. Please communicate this to Ryūgin when scheduling.
To arrange for a PD with Rev. Liên, please contact Ryūgin at: ryugin@kovalyov.net