Engaging with Home is Here
Reading, Discussion
& Practices with Rev. Liên
8 Wednesdays: March 27 - May 15
6:00-7:30pm PT (ONLINE via Zoom — ID: 272-155-964 or click this link)
Do more than just read Home is Here: Engage with it!
Join the author, Rev. Liên, for a dana-based 8-week book discussion and practice space
Using Rev’s new book, Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path, we will mindfully meet and process the suffering we experience through systemic harm. Each week, Rev. Liên will read short passage(s) from the book and then offer related meditations and practices to cultivate more compassionate and restorative connection with ourselves and others. There’ll also be plenty of time for Q&A and discussion so you can get more insight on specific teachings and/or practices in the book.
Join us to deeply engage with Rev. Liên’s framework of how to apply the teachings to heal from racial and other harms.
NOTE: This is a Dharma event and not a therapeutic container. As such, please join knowing that while tools to identify and build capacity for dis-ease/dukkha will be offered, in no way is this a space for high-intensity work. Each participant is accountable for their own self-care and regulation. To support a brave-space for sharing, there will be no recording of these events.
* Drop-in participation is possible
And, as engaging in both duration and depth tends to foster shifts in body, heart, and/or thinking and beliefs, Rev. Liên would like to encourage registration for the full 8-week course. As such, we are partnering with the publisher, North Atlantic Books (NAB), who will be generously providing 20 copies to the program in these ways:
The first 10 people who register and give (dana) at the full Pay-it-Forward amount will be given 1/ONE free copy which can be sent to whomever they wish.
To enact the Pay-it-Forward model, a SECOND copy will be given to someone who registers at the Access level who requests a book. — In other words, Pay-it-Forward participants will help support an Access tier registrant’s participation in the program! See below and the registration page for full details.
Please review Access to Zen Communication Practices as we’ll abide by them in this series (& in all A2Z events)
If you have any other questions, please reach out at info.access2zen@gmail.com
Zoom — ID: 272-155-964 or visit this link.
Weekly Schedule
From Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path by Liên Shutt. CLICK HERE to purchase
Week 1, March 27: Introduction and Chapter 1: The Engaged 4 Noble Truths
Week 2, April 3 - Chapter 2: Skillful View & Chapter 3: Skillful Concentration
Week 3, April 10- Interactive Session
Week 4, April 17: Chapter 4: Skillful Motivation & Chapter 5: Skillful Effort
Week 5, April 24 - Chapter 6: Skillful Mindfulness
Week 6, May 1 – Chapter 7: Skillful Speech
Read about T.U.G.S.
Interactive: Take your mild (<3 max) racial example thru TUGS
Week 7, May 8 - Chapter 8: Skillful Enactment
Read about Effect & Cause and Living with the 5 Precepts/Interbeing Contracts (pp. 154-160)
Take your mild (<3 max) racial example thru Practicing with the 5 Precepts and Racial Incidents, using the examples in this section as a guide if needed (pp. 160-163)
Week 8, May 15 - Chapter 9: Skillful Living & Conclusion
Suggested Noble Giving (dana) Scale - Give via Venmo/PayPal at the bottom of this page
**Pay-it-Forward: $240 ($30/session) -
The first 10 registrants at this level will receive 1 free copy of Home is Here to send anywhere in the US they wish. Your contribution will also enable an additional copy to be gifted to an Access tier registrant who you will be supporting to participate in the series.
Standard: $200 ($25/session)
Limited Income: $160 ($20/session)
Access: No one is turned away for lack of funds.
— Up to 10 copies of Home is Here may be available depending on the number of Pay-It-Forward registrants. Please indicate if you are requesting a book in the registration form.
** 9 bows/Deep thanks to North Atlantic Books
For providing 20 copies of Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path for this program!