The Engaged 4 Noble Truths


The 4 Noble Truths framed as active engagement with the world

It seems to me that there needs to be a more active engagement with the dukkha of our current world. One in which the climate crisis of the earth & the United States’ current situations around race, class, & other oppressed systems are at a crucial threshold. We’re being asked to bear witness & to more actively participate in the creation of communities and spaces in which all of us thrive & not just survive.

This then, is a framing of The Engaged Four Noble Truths. — Truths that guides us & provide means towards compassionate and skillful engagement internally & externally:

1. Harm & harming are present. There is harm & harming in conditioned existence.

2. Understanding fully the causes & conditions for harm & harming. How were we taught to be with experiences of harm or harming? What familial, cultural, or systemic structure promoted, reinforced, or perpetuated this?

3. Individual & collective agency for ending harm is possible. Conditions can change & we can be a part of it. What can I/we do to be “agents of change?”

4. The Eightfold Path empowers wholeness. How can we practice to actively engage with these eight aspects in restorative ways?

  1. Skillful View

  2. Skillful Motivation

  3. Skillful Speech

  4. Skillful Enacting

  5. Skillful Living

  6. Skillful Effort

  7. Skillful Mindfulness

  8. Skillful Concentration


Engaging with Home is Here with Rev. Liên: March 27-May 15, 2024. Join us HERE

© T. Liên Shutt, 2019 -2024