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Caring for the Tender Heart: An AAPI Restorative Half-Day of Practice (EBMC ONLINE)


Caring for the Tender Heart: An AAPI Restorative Half-Day of Practice (ONLINE)

*An Online Offering for Pan Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander and South Asian American Identified People

We invite AAPIs* to a half-day of practice to tend to the heartbreak due to the recent violence against our communities.

Compassion is often described as “a quivering heart.” Practicing Metta/Lovingkindness and Karuna/Compassion helps us pause and tend to our hurts and pain, supporting us to speak our truths and then, using the restorative guidance and tools of Skillful Intention, grounds us to respond to the needs of our compassionate heart skillfully and wisely.

Come gather together in a safe space of meditations and connecting exercises to know and connect to internal restorative practice for individual and collective uplift.

With Michele Ku; “at” EBMC/East Bay Meditation Center