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ONLINE -- The Dharma of being Anti-Racist: Accessing Skillful Engagement: Spirit Rock


View a short VIDEO with past participants’ insights

via Spirit Rock Meditation Center

ONLINE: 17-week Class

WEDNESDAYS: April 28 - August 18 6 - 8 pm PT

Bio’s: Rev. Liên Shutt, Dawn Haney, Dalila Bothwell, Rev. Sarah Emerson, Rev. Charlie Pokorny, and Chris Charles

Would you like to have skillful ways to be in the midst of this critical time?

If so, the teachings of the 8-Fold Path directly shows us how we can use our wisdom & heart-mind training to support our behaviors with these qualities:

Wisdom in:

  • Skillful Understanding / View

  • Skillful Thought / Motivation

Enacted through Heart-Mind trainings/meditations & practices in:

  • Skillful Effort

  • Skillful Mindfulness

  • Skillful Concentration

To foster behaviors of:

  • Skillful Speech

  • Skillful Action

  • Skillful Livelihood

These 8 aspects are taught as ways to live an intentional life of non-harming. Each week you’ll be presented with traditional & social justice-oriented contemporary frames to understand & apply these aspects in real & every day ways. You’ll be able to learn & practice how they make sense for you in your life now & not just as theories & concepts.

Inquiring into, understanding, and responding to the causes & conditions that have brought about our collective suffering of racism, this course will offer a variety of instructional/guided meditations, reflective writings, and mindfulness practices along with interactive exercises to support grounding, settledness, & wise action. Connecting to how you have agency/power (in yourself & with your communities) in the midst of racial conditioning is the best “medicine” for these times. We’ll practice skills for staying in discomfort & resilience through cultivating an open-hearted intimacy with suffering, invoking anti-racism to have impact in the world.

Class format will alternate between a session of teachings & a home practice assignment (attended by everyone) with a week to discuss what came up for you in the home practice that week (small groups to foster brave-space intimacy; in BIPOC-affinity & white-identified-affinity).


  • 8 Mindful Steps to Happiness by Bhante Gunaratana

  • Other digital-based readings will be included

Open to those who acknowledge systemic racism & are committed to open engagement in examining the impact of being part of such a structure. Open to all levels of practice. A variety of meditations will be available.