3-part series sponsored by Village Zendo POC (VZPOC) sitting group for:
Repairing Racialized Harm: The Engaged Eightfold Path as a Restorative Process for BIPOCs with Rev. Liên Shutt
**3 Saturdays: May 4, August 3, & November 2, 2024
7:30am - 9:30am PST / 10:30am -12:30pm EST ONLINE with Zoom
Does The Four Noble Truths just seems like another list to memorize? How can they be applied in meaningful ways in our lives as BIPOCs?
What are “truths”? How did we learn them? How do familial, cultural, and institutional systems promote, validate, or teach us to, perhaps, even unknowingly collude? Join me to see how my reframed Engaged Four Noble Truths can reflect our multi-dimensional, lived experiences as BIPOCs. We’ll do this through reading and practicing these teachings with my book Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path
The series will cover what Rev. Liên frames as the three essential aspects of healing:
Acknowledging what is.
Knowing what shifts are especially needed, and
Learning how to put those shifts into practice.
Meditative, mindful reflective, and interactive exercises will be used throughout the 3-part series to see how the reframed expansions from the traditional teachings can support an engaged practice, enlivening us with agency.
Giving of $50 USD to Access to Zen:
Venmo: @SuddenLeap-A2Z (Tel. #2585)
PayPal: SuddenLeap.A2Z@Gmail.com
Or, you can access Venmo and PayPal QR codes below
The Village Zendo People of Color (VZPOC) Sitting Group aims to embody the three tenets by being a sanctuary for People of Color to study, support and discuss how in a system (society) of oppression and racial bias we can create a community where we recognize our interdependence.