A Lotus Rising from Mud: A Path for Anti-Asian Restoration
ONLINE: 12 weeks Practice Intensive with Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Tuesdays, April 12 – June 28, 2022 5:30-7:30 p.m. PDT
Open to all who self-identify as Asian in North America. Biracial, multiracial, and adoptees are especially invited
How have you been impacted by the continual violence to our communities?
With the one-year anniversary of the Atlanta shootings and the continual uptake in violence and animus against us, gathering with other Asian folx can be supportive during these challenging times.
How can we attend to the impacts of racism? How and where can we connect to individual and collective agency to free ourselves from imputed or internalized conditioning? How can we explore and celebrate the commonalities and variations in our experiences as Asians in North America?
This 3-month intensive study and practice program seeks to provide a restorative container based on the Engaged 4 Noble Truths:
1. Harm and Harming is present.
2. Realizing what brings about the causes and conditions for harm is possible.
3. Individual and collective agency is possible in the midst of harm.
4. The 8-Fold Path empowers restoration.
Course structure of weekly meetings alternate between class sessions (of teachings, meditations, and reflective or mindful practices) and small-group sessions to build intimacy for in-depth discussions and reflections around the various layered and complex themes associated with our social location as Asians in North America’s racial landscapes and dialogues. (Themes such as invisibilization, exoticization, perpetual foreigner, shy as shameful, etc.)
Please Note: This is an intensive Dharma study and practice course so there will be about 2 hours of reading or homework/home-practice each week. As with any intensive practice, engagement with and execution of the curriculum are crucial to foster any shifts or transformations. We celebrate your willingness and courage to join in this deep work! Having a consistent & regular Buddhist, mindfulness-based or other spiritual practice is highly encouraged
Scholarships are available. Please go through Spirit Rock Registration first.
For those currently impacted by financial hardship, A2Z/Sudden Leap is pleased to partner with the Kataly Foundation to offer a limited number of full-scholarships to provide economical equity. Please also apply through Spirit Rock first.